Saturday, February 4, 2012


So I need a new character name for a recent-well not REALLY that recent-addition to my life. But what's odd is that I don't want to go on and on about them. I want it to be sort of my special secret to savor. Isn't that odd for me? I feel like I want to cherish this little bit of time all for myself.

Why haven't I done this before? I would hate to say that Fuzzy Face or The Pickle weren't special to me-Fuzzy especially-but I feel differently about this person. Fuzzy Face was so outgoing and gregarious that I guess I never worried about bragging about him or writing about him, you know? But now I feel differently.

However, this person is pretty jazzed about the whole code name idea. Except he wants a "cool" one. What defines cool? Because for God's sake, I find the programming on TLC cool. But I do love "The X Men" so maybe I will channel something like that. There is a lot of pressure! This person and I have been going around and around for months and months and the timing wasn't right. And I am still not sure if this is the absolute best time but when is? You have to start something to see where if anywhere its going to go.

When you are with one person and constantly wondering about another person, you are probably with the wrong person. And that makes me feel sad and guilty about staying with Fuzzy Face as long as I did. Was I using him for sex? Was I using him to cut through the loneliness? Was I using him to get the crazy rebound out of my system? Maybe yes to all of them. I do care for him very much. If he wanted to go out for drinks tomorrow I would. If he needed someone to watch his girls I would. I wish him well and hope to remain a friend to him.

So while I might be on the cusp of something grand with as yet unnamed person, I have a twinge of guilt of it being so close on the heels of my breakup. If I was an outsider I don't think I would think I am a bad person. Why do I obsess so much?? Dang.

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