Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Sometimes I get so tired of trying to meet everyone else's expectations

Sometimes I wish I was actually as crazy as my ex-husband and a recent ex-boyfriend think I am. Then it wouldn't hurt so much that they left.

Sometimes I want to just keep driving on my way home from work. Far, far away.

Sometimes I do nothing but think about my new boyfriend all day and plan out the day that I get to tell him that I love him. Like he hasn't already figured it out....

Sometimes I truly believe that I am the most beautiful woman in the room. When I do, its awesome!

Sometimes I have a pint of Ben and Jerry's and half a bottle of wine for dinner.

Sometimes I make a nest of my bed for several days on end.

Sometimes I wish I knew more about make up. I have no idea how to put it on.

Sometimes when I wake up from dreaming I am more tired then when I went to sleep. I think my soul leaves my body and actually goes to wherever I am dreaming about.

Sometimes I literally crave a particular song.

Sometimes I do not give myself enough credit

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