Sunday, January 22, 2012

John and Yoko

"It's part of our policy not to be taken seriously. Our opposition, whoever they may be, in all manifest forms, don't know how to handle humour. And we are humourous." --John Lennon on his and Yoko Ono's 1969 "Bed-In"

In 1969 John Lennon and Yoko Ono held two seperate week long "Bed-Ins" as a non-violent way of protesting war and promoting peace. One was in Amsterdam and the other was held in Montreal. The Amsterdam Bed-In received much press coverage but was not taken seriously by the press. The Montreal event had less coverage and had a mixed review by the American press.

Why, oh why would I start out with this ridiculous history lesson?? Last week Fuzzy Face's mother walked in and said that Fuzzy and I reminded her of John and Yoko. We spend a great deal of our time together cuddled up from the cold in our cozy bed. No, we don't spend the entire time getting it on...not that I would mind much, but that's just not how it is. It just happens to be warm and comfortable there.

In most homes the family comes together over the dinner table. In this house we all end up in a big hog pile in the bed. We all pretty much live in our jammies and hang out together watching tv. I haven't decided yet if this is as bonding as a meal around the table. But I am pretty sure that it is teaching Fuzzy's girls that they are loved and can come to their father for anything...even when he is cuddled up with his girlfriend.

As for he and I being like John and Yoko, I suppose I can see it. We are together most of the time, we spend most of our time in bed, and I am musically gifted while he sounds like someone beating a cat against the wall when he sings (kidding Babe, I like hearing you). I would like to brag that we are always naked and look good while doing it, but that wouldn't be very honest. He looks incredible to me when he is undressed, and hopefully I look good to him. Then again, I am the only naked woman in the room usually, so he has nothing to compare me to.

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