Wednesday, July 17, 2013

You and Tequila

I am crazy about my Bulldogge.  Everyone knows that.  He and I fit together like weird little puzzle pieces.  He loves me in a way I have never been loved before...without question.  And I love him like crazy. Its a scary proposition for a girl like me.

There are things in my life that drive me to want to run at a cellular level.  Whether its that I don't feel worthy or worry that the people around me will find out whatever it is that makes me so unlovable.

And then came the Wyatt Earp to my Doc Holliday.  It would've have been SO simple to keep running into the sunset with my running buddy.  And its not that its a romantic connection so much, but there's a fondness and tenderness there that is past romantic love.

It feels like an addict's mentality when it comes to running..."If one is good, six HAS to be better".  Wyatt Earp understands that running lust.  When I talk with him, or cuddle up in his stolen t shirt, or there's a certain soft smell in the air, I get that feeling deep in my gut that makes me long to run.

Sometimes I am jealous of him sipping margaritas in the desert sun.  His hat pulled down and cocked ever so slightly sideways to shade his eyes. Some outrageous story on his lips to be told in that Southern-on-crack drawl. I wish to be there with him.

AAANNNNNDDD....then there's the realization that I am becoming a different woman altogether.  All my work is starting to come together and make me understand that while it is hard, maybe I deserve a shot at a "regular" life. I like fishing and camping and spending time with my kids and my man.

Wyatt Earp, you may be one of the best friends I have ever had.  If you had come along just 3 months sooner, life would be entirely different right now.  I have rarely had more fun.  Which is why "You and Tequila" fits so well how I feel for you. And that we sang it half drunk in a bar at the beach.  

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